Dear Chairworman Flores and the Chicago Plan Commission OR Dear Alderman _______,
I am a Chicago resident and am reaching out to you today regarding my concerns for the Proposed amendment to PD 1162 (8080 S DuSable Lake Shore Drive).
The land slated for this development is in the midst of a crucial breeding bird habitat, and an extremely important migratory bird stopover site for 10 Illinois Threatened and Endangered Species. More than basic bird protections need to be in place for any facilities built on this land, or disasters on the scale of the 2023 McCormick Place Lakeside Center mass casualty event will occur here on a regular basis.
Please require that this new development takes the measures outlined in Bird Friendly Chicago’s letter dated November 17th. The site needs Enhanced Bird Protections as outlined by the Sustainable Development Policy. Basic bird protections won’t be enough for this critical and heavily used site along North America’s biggest flyway. Additionally, landscaping in the publicly accessible land as well as on the private property should expand and enhance local habitat with native plants, not nativars or cultivars. Finally, conservation groups including Chicago Bird Collision Monitors and Breeding Bird Survey Monitors should be given access of the site to monitor the wildlife there.
Best regards,
Your First and Last Name
Your Ward (find your ward and alderman here)